Friday 22 October 2010

Snow day

It is obviously not an actual snow day as it currently 28 degrees in Hanoi. But I turned up at the school I was supposed to be teaching at this afternoon and there were no screaming children in the playground - SCHOOL IS CANCELLED. Now I can play instead of work. No sledding unfortunately but I might do some yoga - is that equivalent? I also plan on a nap and maybe to go bowling this evening: clearly living large.

I went for a wander up my street and took lots of photos to put on my blog, but when I got home I realised that my camera cable was in my laptop case, and my laptop case got stolen from my bedroom, along with my laptop, so no photos for a while. Instead I will add variety using this:

Work is still going well, even though sometimes I get very frustrated when I can't get 25 7-year-olds to be quiet. Literally, they do not shut up for longer than 10 seconds, whatever I do. I thought I liked children but now I'm not so sure. My classes with older kids are more enjoyable because I can actually teach them some English. I had a really good new class last night, there was only 5 of them and they were really clever, we had good chats. On Sunday morning I have to give a presentation to a bunch of people about a new course my company's starting. I am a bit nervous but my friend at work said no one will be listening to me anyway, only the Vietnamese translation of what I say.

New house is also ok. The street is cool, I have fairy lights in my room, and I like being able to cook. Housemates are occasionally annoyingly anal and mature. (Actually I don't know if any of them read this... if you are then I'm only talking about the other ones...) I want to buy a kitten but they won't let me, and I've been told off for other trivial stuff too....I didn't move here to be told what to do and it's pissing me off, people's shitty irrelevant adult concerns which are rarely justified. Ok enough ranting on the blog. But it makes me miss 97 Girton Road aka Manrock Cottage with the booze fridge and the Guitar Hero and the broken shisha pipe and writing anti-Greek propaganda on Will's door.

Now I have to go because I am training for a half marathon and so must do whatever Hal Higdon says.