Monday, 6 September 2010

Sweaty, again.

I love Hanoi even more. After a mighty 4 hours of sleep, I got up at like 6am this morning to go for my first run, around the park/lake right by where I'm staying. I did this at such an umseemly hour because I thought it would be (a) quieter and (b) cooler. It was neither of those things - this is still Hanoi.

But it was AWESOME. So many people are out at that time exercising, I swear I got less weird looks than I do ambling along with my head stuck in a map. And whilst you'd get loads of people exercising at any park in London at that time, they'd all be running, or maybe cycling. But this morning in the park I saw:
(1) Running
(2) Tai chi
(3) Yoga
(4) A man selling turkey chicks from a crate (this one isn't really a sport)
(5) Badminton
(6) Football
(7) A big-scale, lakeside aerobics class
(8) A lady kind of...vibrating
(9) My favourite: ballroom dancing

And the cold shower when I got back was phenomenal.