Monday, 18 October 2010

The wheels on the bus go round and round!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I apologise to anyone who came across the extremely grumpy post I wrote earlier. No one is in the best mood at 8am on Monday morning, I shouldn't have broadcast my rubbish mood over the internet.

The grumpiness it contained related to things either inconsequential or now solved (ish), so I deleted it.

Here are some good things:
I saw a goat sitting on the intersection of a really busy road in the middle of Hanoi.
At dinner we got DIY spring rolls - I shall henceforth be awarding a prize for the most creative thing wrapped into rice paper. No prizes for wraping up poo; that's immature.
My housemate Dave appears to be some sort of negotiation god. More details if and when the negotiations actually pay off.
I did a 5k time trial at the weekend and ran 25:49, maybe that doesn't mean much to some people, but it's fast for me and I was happy.
I ran a long way this evening and now I have jelly legs and endorphins in my blood.
I live in Hanoi.