Saturday, 9 October 2010

Tôi yêu Hà Nội, Hà Nội yêu tôi

I've quit my old job, woohoo. Apparently this is a justification for people who I thought were my friends to be angry with me now - because they weren't my first priority when I made a career choice? I don't know. But whatever, I'm obviously better off without the old job and without the 'friend'. Two girls from my new job, who cutely refer to themselves as 'double-Linh', took me out for sweetie-yoghurt-tapioca-fruit-drink-things and I decided that my initial negative vibes about this new job have done a U-turn. It's all good. Maybe it's just because sweetie-yoghurt-things would make me feel positive about anything.

akin to this

Other good things have happened. I got in yesterday evening in a strop (a failed run and the Hanoian excessive use of horns) and settled in to watch The Hangover and avoid all things Vietnam. Then I got a text from Thoa inviting me into town with her friends, so I reluctantly got out of my pajamas and went out.

It was such a fun night because everybody was out celebrating the 1000th birthday of Hanoi, which is officially tomorrow. We wandered around for a bit, and then sat on a step eating ice cream and watching everything go by. Everyone was in high spirits and running around doing conga lines, and there was shitty patriotic Vietnamese music blaring out, and about every other person was wearing an "I Heart Hanoi" t-shirt.

the girl in the middle is Thoa's best friend who is now going to stay in Hanoi and not move to Saigon; this makes me happy because it makes Thoa happy

So yeah, three cheers for rubbish nights that turn into awesome nights.

modelling the ubiquitous I Heart Hanoi t-shirts - i totally bought one

Today I massively enjoyed my day off - watched a film (third time lucky at watching The Hangover without falling asleep/going out), went for a long sweaty run, sat by a lake planning some lessons, mooched, wandered, ate some dinner at my favourite macrobiotic vegetarian restaurant, currently mooching a bit more, maybe go to a party later. Free time is awesome, but always better when there's not much of it.