I spent this morning wandering around in wide-mouthed awe, dodging mopeds and leaving my laptop behind in unwise locations. It is very sweaty here. I like how the air hangs really thick around you, and smells of a mixture of fruit and smoke and petrol, with occasional bursts of frying or coffee (I am so poetic).
Even though it's so hectic (crossing the road is an adventure in itself), there are lakes dotted around, and people sitting around in the street having a meal, or a sleep. Random people say hello or smile, although this may be because I am a huge ghostly squid and look really weird.
But there's a nice atmosphere; I feel like people don't take things too seriously here. Maybe I'm just romanticising it.
This guy has the right idea.Even though it's so hectic (crossing the road is an adventure in itself), there are lakes dotted around, and people sitting around in the street having a meal, or a sleep. Random people say hello or smile, although this may be because I am a huge ghostly squid and look really weird.
But there's a nice atmosphere; I feel like people don't take things too seriously here. Maybe I'm just romanticising it.
I also enjoyed the badass policemen/military sitting on their motorbikes on street corners, aviators on, fag in mouth, making sure that order is being upheld. It felt inappropriate to take a photo; however, this picture gives a good approximation of what they looked like to my eyes:
I personally felt very badass and brave scooting around in the insane traffic on the back of a motorbike. It was short-lived; a few minutes later I saw two kids on rollerblades holding onto the back of one. Also kudos to the man with a tree on the back of his moped.
I was talking to a girl who works at the hostel, and her roommate has just moved out so she needs a new one. We went to look at her room (yay more motorbike!!) and it's in a really cool neighbourhood; less tourists, but loads of shops and restaurants and people. Then down a little alley way, up some stairs on the top floor. I love the location, and I love the balcony, and this girl seems really cool (and I love that it costs $45/month) - I'm just not sure I could share a double bed in a room with no aircon and get any sleep whatsoever. I need to look around more.
This was my lunch. Tofu and ginger is like all my birthday cakes come at once.
That picture has made me hungry again...time for more exploring and some dinner.
(Blogging takes ages!)