Some pretty pictures from last night:
Today was my first day at work. I freaked out a bit first thing when I had to sign the contract, due to my chronic fear of commitment, but my mood improved when we started talking about teaching Kindy classes (aged 4-6, super-cute) and I found out about the free Vietnamese lessons we can get. And I'm going to buy a motorbike!! (Sorry Mummy.)
The people seem alright, one girl is really cool although she isn't working at the same centre as me so I don't know if I'll see her much. We attempted clothes shopping - this girl is probably an English 8/10 yet is a Vietnamese size XL. I'm going to cut back on the noodles.
I'm currently sitting in the dark feeling grumpy and tired - going to go find a bar; perhaps get me some friends.
Lastly, this article makes me feel superior and mature: Gap year wankers