Tuesday, 9 August 2011

Move, Learn, Eat, Zombies

I recently came across these three videos, described as "3 guys, 44 days, 11 countries, 18 flights, 38 thousand miles, an exploding volcano, 2 cameras and almost a terabyte of footage... all to turn 3 ambitious linear concepts based on movement, learning and food ....into 3 beautiful and hopefully compelling short films....."


They were commissioned by STA Travel; I'm slightly reluctant to give STA the free advertising by reposting them, since I think the company is a load of wank, but in fact the videos are so emotive and eclectic in what they show, as well as being beautifully shot and edited, so I had to share the love on my blog. Whenever I find my wanderlust waning, I come across something like this, and I'm drawn back to my backpack and planning dream itineraries in my head.

My desire for travel and novelty fortunately coincides with the need to leave this fucked-up country; I don't think there's much point in adding my opinion to the confused jumble of both anger and sympathising to be found on Facebook statuses, let alone the rest of the Internet...suffice to say, it really is all going to shit. Whatever your opinion on the rioters and their motivation, it seems like another nail in the coffin of a country in complete disarray.

Peering out between the shutters of a kitchen in Islington last night, 'hoodie-spotting', definitely felt like I was in 28 Days Later. "Loitering! Two hooded figures loitering at 9 o'clock! Quick, put the chain on the door!" It was pretty exciting.

Life update for anyone interested: I'm finishing work here tomorrow, then going to a festival over the weekend, before going to Germany next Thursday until the 26th. There may be brief windows of my free time to be enjoyed, if you book early.