Monday, 29 November 2010

I will be the next Rocky

Just had a very nice evening eating ice cream on a bench next to Hoan Kiem Lake, trying to spot the turtle that lives in there. It was quite romantic. The ice cream was potato flavour.

We moved house today, so I expect all my problems in life to henceforth be resolved. Good things about the new house: the bathroom floor isn't rotting, there's a punchbag on the roof, and we've ditched the two irritating bossy housemates. Bad things: I can currently hear EVERY WORD of Dave's phone conversation upstairs, including the part when he was talking about me. I listened carefully but it was all positive, so he may live.

I also feel I should point out that my last post was intended not as an outpouring of hatred, but as a reflection on the idiosyncrasies that have made me fall in love with Hanoi. If I wanted to live somewhere that made perfect sense to me, I would've stayed in England, and be bored to shit.